in the room

speaking incredibly online and in public

One to one coaching for online meetings and presentations

"I feel for the first time, that maybe I can be myself and speak confidently, that the two are not mutually exclusive. This, for me, is a revolutionary realisation." Nisah Sajawal

What we offer

We offer our skills as performance coaches to get you communicating more effectively in person and on screen.

Certain meetings and situations can feel exposing. You may find you're struggling to engage naturally through a screen.  You might battle with nerves and imposter syndrome.   You might want to deliver an electrifying presentation.  Coming across at your best is a skill which can be practised like any other.  So we offer one to one coaching sessions designed to help you do that.  The result will be that you will be able to build effortless relationships, inspire people and change minds; whether it’s online, or in the room.

Why we are here

Because we believe that you have a great deal to say and that it’s all worth hearing.  We’re fed up with Corporate Speak. We’ve had enough of empty, meaningless jargon; of credibility being defined by who can shout the loudest. 

The best weapon you have for any meeting situation is you. And if you can get that unique ‘you-ness’ across through a computer screen or live presentation you will start making the impact on others that you never thought you would.  We can help you do that.

What we do

We have many years’ experience in theatre and in front of the camera. We’ve also worked with companies across the corporate and charity sector and with everyone from CEOs to medics. In that time, we have learnt how to present ourselves confidently and credibly, and how to be heard without yelling or screaming. 

We want to help you engage effectively with others, whatever your situation, and whatever your line of business.

It could change your life: we certainly believe it will change how you work.

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